Perfection is Overrated September 2016

We are all less than perfect and with that.... it makes us just about perfect!  You can join our "Perfection is Overrated" inspirational and infectious movement. We want to inspire women across the country to share their imperfections as PERFECT examples of how we should invest in Joy & Love & Friendship & Beauty & Freedom & Wander.  

How do you get involved with this movement?  Submit a photo and a short story (150 words or less) depicting your beautiful imperfect life wearing your Sweet Spot® Skirt or Run Pretty Far™ apparel.   No rules, just beauty, skirts, tights,  tanks, tees, hats or jackets. We will have fun prizes and neat things to celebrate all of the stories.   

~ Hugs, Stephanie 

Go to my Facebook page and upload your pic and story.  If you don't have FB and want to inspire women around the world with your imperfections, simply email them to


