Sometimes it's just about asking the question: What can I do at this very moment to make you feel better? A simple but effective question. When people battle cancer we often don't know what to say. Hearing about these courageous warriors often wrenches in our gut, brings tears to our eyes and provides perspective in our own tedious life. As a business owner, I sometimes stress over what I can and can't do for my company. Pay the bills, cover a sick employee, keep up with production, steer the marketing team, find a new supplier....the list goes on and on.
On one of those crazy, frustrating days, I met Michelle. She just found out she was heading into a huge breast cancer fight, yet she still showed up to participate in our annual Sarahn Skoot 5k. Flying at speeds of up to 200 mph, my body & mind stopped still in its tracks. My eyes filled up with tears as this strong woman shared her struggle with me. Now, here is the cool part.... at the last minute before the run was to commence, I had brought up from the basement a large chalk board and put these simple words on it. Had I not pulled out the chalkboard, I would never have known or been able to make a difference.
It was the answer to that question that brought Michelle into my life. Sometimes it is just about paying attention. After my initial conversation with Michelle, I asked permission to share her story as you never know who may be struggling with the same thing. I pulled out a beautiful quilt in pinks from our stash of Sweet Shenna Quiltsand presented it to her with 75 other women cheering in support.
What did I learn from this?
1. No matter how many things you CAN'T do in your life, you can ALWAYS take a moment to make a difference.
2. Always follow thru on your instincts, like bringing up the chalkboard.
From our quilts to raising awareness, we want to help. Check out the first post for our latest quilt recipient. We want to support any woman out there that is fighting cancer. Please send us her story via email to We will treasure each story and put them on our prayer list, positive thought process and shower them with good thoughts. Even though we would like to give each one of them a quilt, we only have one in stock right now....and will choose randomly a recipient.
~Stephanie Lynn
It was great talking to you about your masks, and all the various common events we do. Kathy and I were not expecting you to send a quilt along with my masks. Thanks so much, as you made kathy’s day.
Coach Jim
Stephanie, your post brought me to tears. I am 3 years out from my cancer diagnosis and running has brought me back. I am not in need of a quilt but I wanted to tell you what a wonderful thing you are doing. Support in any form is so appreciated. Cancer can take a lot away but I will tell you that it brought the most amazing people into my life. I have a village like to no other and I would never have realized it if I hadn’t fought cancer. I am happy to donate a quilt if you want to give another one away!
August 25, 2020